Saturday, August 1, 2009

april fool

Welcome To The Reactionary

Hello and welcome to The Reactionary! I know that the term "reactionary" implies a certain extremism, and that really isn't what I've ever considered myself. But given the political climate today, there may not be another term to more accurately describe me. I am conservative, I believe in the principles upon which democracy was founded - the rights of the free to self determination. I believe that government is the servant of the people, and derives its power expressly by permission of the people.

Much is said about "change" in politics lately. And despite my own chosen classification as "reactionary, I believe that represents the best possible change this country could make right now. It is my FIRM belief that this country has drifted too far from those principles that have made us exceptional. Thus I feel the need to further the causes upon which our forebearers sacrificed their lives. One of our faults as Americans is the that we too soon forget that it is our burden to be that "shining city on the hill". We are far from perfect, but God has gracefully chosen us for that responsibility. I thank Him daily for that.

I shall not continue upon "principles and ideals" for much longer - it's boring and not many care. Rather I will pontificate upon those issues of the day that challenge us as Americans most. This blog does NOT support racism or sexism, bigotry or hatred. I do not find it offensive to hate, per se, but there are plenty of legitimate reasons to hate that are not rooted in prejudice. I will not place any rules concerning posts here other than I will NOT tolerate opinions based on prejudice, bigotry, misogyny or racism. The ideals I believe in our inconsistent with these beliefs, and while its every American's right to believe what he/she will - I will NOT provide the forum for these views.

On the other hand, opposing views rooted in reason are MORE than welcome. Nothing could be more bland than a group of folks that all agree with eachother. And as passionately as those who are interested feel about these issues, I would ask that debate be kept as respectful as possible. I admit that I am too quickly sucked into the "fight", but I need to remind even myself that the only contemptible position here is apathy. Please join, and learn as I intend to.